Aries compatibility: Will I be compatible with an Aries man or Aries woman?
When people ask “Will I be compatible with an Aries man” or “Will I be compatible with an Aries woman” generally they are referring to their sun sign because that is all they know about in terms of Aries compatibility. In Western Astrology you are considered Aries if you are born between (and including) March 21 – April 19. But in Vedic Astrology Aries sun is from April 14 to May 14. So often you may be an Aries in Western Astrology, but in Vedic Astrology (because it also considers the north and south nodes of the moon), you may not be an Aries sun at all. It is pushed back three weeks, so you may actually be a Pisces sun. So if you were an Aries in Western Astrology, you will only remain one if you were born between and including April 14th to April 19th. But if you thought you were a Taurus, you may now be an Aries!
Compatibility depends more on the ascendent / rising sign
In Vedic Astrology, your sun sign isn’t considered very important. It is more important what your ascendent (also called “Lagna”) is. This is calculated based on the day you were born, the year you were born and the time (in hours and minutes). Sometimes you can find your time of birth on your birth certificate. In other cases you may need to contact the hospital to find out. Of course, sometimes hospitals don’t record this information very accurately (generally they write it down a little after you were actually born), so a Vedic Astrology rectification is recommended. Contact us if you would like us to put you in touch with a Vedic Astrologer who can do this.
What are the qualities of an Aries ascendent?
The main qualities of Aries (called “Mesha” in Sanskrit) are:
- Active / dynamic
- Ambitious
- Confident
- Leader
- Authority
- Heroic
- Aggressive, but easily pleased.
The Lord (controller) of the Aries sign is Mars (called “Mangal” in Sanskrit). So this house is also affected by how happily Mars is placed in your chart and the sign in which it is situated.
However, these qualities can be reduced by the effects of other areas of your chart. If you want to know more about this, please contact me and ask me to put you in touch with a Vedic Astrologer (also called a Jyotishi) who can tell you more about your chart.
How do Aries ascendents express their love?
Like the ram that is their symbol, Aries people tend to have a lot of drive and intensity. If they feel they are being held back in any way, this can lead to frustration and even anger. Later in life, if they slow down and consolidate, generally they will be more successful. So if you want to love an Aries ascendent, you have to give them some freedom to roam.
Can Vedic Astrology predict your Aries love horoscope?
Yes. Your Vedic Astrology Chart, if interpreted correctly, can predict whether the current period is a good one for you to fall in love, or whether it will be more likely to happen in another period (if at all). We do supply some basic information about the periods as part of the Vedic Astrology Chart we create for members and we do supply information about the monthly transits affecting each ascendent, but please Contact Us if you would like to be put in touch with a Vedic Astrologer (also called a Jyotishi) who can tell you more about your chart.
But the ascendent isn’t the whole compatibility story
Many other aspects of a person’s chart affect who they are (e.g. which house and sign their moon is in). So to really know if you will be compatible with them, the best way to tell is to have a Vedic Astrology Compatibility Report based on both of your birth times.
Your Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) chart covers all aspects of your personality and the Vedic Astrology compatibility reports look at all aspects of your life together such as:
- how you both approach work
- whether there will be power or dominance issues in your relationship
- whether being together will help you both be healthier
- your sexual attraction
- whether you could produce happy children
- whether you will grow in wealth together
- how much love and harmony there will be between you both.
Vedic Astrology Compatibility Reports have been used by millions of people for thousands of years in deciding if two people will be a good match for each other. They also help make sure that if you end up marrying, that even your respective families will get on well (so no more Wedding party showdowns). Why not let us find you a great match by comparing your chart to that of other members that meet your selection criteria?
See an example of a Vedic Astrology Compatibility Report. If you are already dating someone, request a Compatibility Report to see if you are compatible astrologically.
How does Vedic Astrology compare to palmistry, Tarot readings, Chi Gung / Qigong readings, psychic readings and so on?
While each of these methods may give you some insight on your life going forward, Vedic Astrology Compatibility Reports have been used by millions of people for thousands of years in deciding if two people will be a good match for each other. They also help make sure that if you end up marrying, that even your respective families will get on well (so no more Wedding party showdowns).
If you are a single Aries, why fall in love, only to find out you are not compatible?
Dating and going out with someone can involve a lot of time, emotions and commitment. Why waste all that energy and risk possibly even damaging your finest level of feelings for the wrong person? Join our Compatibility Club and we will find a match for you that is compatible. Then you can slowly get to know them and fall in love over time. This is the Eastern approach to love rather than the Western approach which is often largely based on lust and not much else.
Find members with rising signs that are compatible with yours
As we mentioned above, the person you may be the best match with could be a totally different sign. Their ascendent or sun sign could be totally different to the one you thought you were most compatible with. It is far more complex and nuanced and the outcomes are often far more profound.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet someone who is spiritual, into meditation, yoga, martial arts or other metaphysical techniques?
A lot of our Club members are very spiritual and into meditation techniques like Transcendental Meditation (TM) or Mindfulness or other meditation techniques. Many practice yoga, Pilates, martial arts, the Wim Hof Method or other metaphysical techniques. Many are also into keeping fit, eating healthy Ayurvedic food, walking in nature, biking, lifting weights and so on.

Join the Compatibility Club to meet them.
Whether you are an Aries in New York, LA, Portland, Denver, Tampa, New Orleans or Taos – we can help you find your match
No matter where you live – we can help you find that special person you are meant to end up with. If we don’t find someone for you in your city or your state, we will look further for you. So whichever state you are in – California, Colorado, Iowa, New York or wherever, give us a try. We also have members in countries outside the USA like Canada and Norway and we also have some pages translated into French (please feel free to offer to help us translate our pages into your native language too). Join the Compatibility Club to meet them.
Hindu Aries, Christian, Catholic, Jewish or Muslim – we can help you find your match
No matter what your religion – we can help you find that special person you are meant to end up with. You can even specify if you want to be matched with someone with the same religious outlook. If you want someone who won’t refuse to have a Church wedding (or a wedding according to your faith), then might want to make this one of your selection criteria. Join the Compatibility Club to find your religious partner.
Black Aries, Latino, Caucasian or Native American – we can help you find your match
No matter what your race – we can help you find your soul mate. You can specify if you want to be matched with someone with the same ethnicity because we realize that is very important to some people either personally or because of family expectations. It also means you wont be subject to racism – whether conscious or not.
Gay Aries or a straight – we can help you find your match
No matter what your sexual orientation – Homosexual, Lesbian, LGBTQ or straight – we can help you find your soul mate. You can specify if you want to be matched with someone with the same gender (e.g. Female, Male, Trans-Male or Trans-Female). Join the Compatibility Club to find someone who is comfortable with who you are.
A busy Aries single professional or retired – we can help you find your match
Whatever stage you are in with your life, we can help you find someone to share it with – and someone who approaches life the same way you do. Even if you are so busy starting your own business or spend your days planning where to travel to next, it always helps to have someone by your side to share the journey with you. Join the Compatibility Club to find them.
Whether you are an Aries in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or 70s – we can help you find your match
No matter what your age – we can help you find your love partner. You can specify the age ranges within which you would consider matches. So whether you are young and wanting to find someone to start a family with or if you are retired and wanting someone to enjoy the sunset of life, we can help. Join the Compatibility Club to connect with them.
See also:
- Aries and Aries compatibility for love
- Aries and Taurus compatibility for love
- Aries and Gemini compatibility for love
- Aries and Cancer compatibility for love
- Aries and Leo compatibility for love
- Aries and Virgo compatibility for love
- Aries and Libra compatibility for love
- Aries and Scorpio compatibility for love
- Aries and Sagittarius compatibility for love
- Aries and Capricorn compatibility for love
- Aries and Aquarius compatibility for love
- Aries and Pisces compatibility for love
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